A Short Story About a Poor Girl to Collector

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Hello Friends welcome to World Success Story and today through this article we are going to know in detail about a girl and his success if you are new to the blog then Subscribe to the blog and share to your friend also read this blog till the end.

Girl Family –

A One Village and in this Village lived a girl Parents and little Brother. Girls Parents are doing agriculture and Brother was in 6th Standard and girl was studying in 9th Standard. The Girl Household Conditions were meagre, and her education and household responsibilities were supported only by the income from her father’s Farm. Even if the rains were too much or too little, the crops would be damaged and the income would be less Due to Him, the education of the girl and her brother was going on in a situation where the home situation was almost unbearable.

What Happened when the girl was studying in the class 9th ?

The Girl Was Very Smart, Stubborn and Honest and All the Teachers Were Happy with Her as She Was the Class Topper form Class V To IX. All These Things and The Girl Was Very Beautiful in Appearance and they all looked at her because of her intelligence.

But the people of some community had a different view of that girl because she is looking beautiful and belong to poor family so that’s all reason some bad community boyes are looking us .

One Day When the Gril’s Parents went to work in the Farm the girl was going home after finishing her School. Three to Four boys intercepted her and after intercepting her started asking her some questions, passes through bad comments these were the same boyes who were seeing the girl every day.

These were the boyes who used to be intoxicated every day and teased a girl when she saw them and that was the case today. They boy abused the girl a lot and tortured her.

When The Girl’s Parents Came to Know about this –

The Girl Came to home and started crying a lot when her little brother asked her if she didn’t tell the little brother when the girl’s parents came home, and she asked the girl what happened the girl told the parents. The Girls Parents reassured her and told her that nothing is happening, we are the ones who do everything and solve what is happening.

The Next –

The Next day the girl’s parents accompanied her to her school and filed a police complaint against the boyes who had molested her on the road, but they said that if a person’s common is not sound. A police case cannot be filled against him and that is what happened.

Two Months later when the girl was coming home form school. –

The girl’s father filed a police case against us because the boys who molested the girl two months ago and in turn the police took the boys to the police station and when they came out two months later, their anger was directed at the girl. The boy, who had been expelled from jail again stopped the girl on her way home from school, teased her and ran away.

The girl narrated all this incident to her father but even though the father did something he had filed a police case once because of that the father said to the girl you do your 9th class only here we will go out for your education and leave this village.

The Girl’s Father Sold all the farm & left the village for the girl’s Education.

The girl’s father sold all her farm and migrated to the city due to the harassment of the girl while coming from school, the cheating and insults given to her by the boys of the community.

All the girl’s family came to live in the cities, they sold all their farm and moved to city. within a few days after coming to the city, the girl’s mother got blood cancer and it cost a lot of money also the education of the girl and boy going on, so the father took a small rickshaw.

The Girl’s Mother got blood cancer and the father took a small rickshaw –

The girl’s father did not know that such a big crisis would come after coming from the village to the cities, but as soon as he came to live in the cities and within a few days his wife developed blood cancer, he sold all the money from the farm in the village to settle the girl’s mother.

The Girl Was very intelligent and gradually she became a topper in class 12th. But after passing 12th, the girl wanted to do MBBS but her mother’s condition was serious and her father was a rickshaw puller who took care of all the household, so the girl decided to do MPSC and she joined MPSC class.

While the Girl Was doing her MPSC Class –

Seeing the girl’s nature in love, many girls became her friends there and they began to mingle with them, and if they shared their tiffin with her, they helped him to pay the fee, and their friendship became stronger.

When the Girl’s Father got a call –

The girl was very stubborn, she studied MPSC for two to three consecutive years, she practiced a lot of competitive exams, and through all these efforts, she was appointed as a collector, and at the time of all this, her father got a call at home and called his father to congratulate him. It came from the father’s eyes at that time of tears.

The Daughter became a collector and the father shed tears of joy –

When the girl was honored along with her father, her father’s eyes were Dropped the tears and he realized that his daughter had saved his life and realized his hard work.

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