Information about the great social worker Mother Teresa

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“If you can’t live life for someone else, it’s not life.”

Information about the great social worker Mother Teresa
Information about the great social worker Mother Teresa

The sentence at the beginning of this article is that of the great social worker Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa, who lived a dedicated life, dedicated herself to serving and supporting others throughout her life. She was a very generous, kind and selfless loving woman whose Roma Roma was filled with compassion and service.

Selflessly, Mother Teresa helped the poor, the sick, the helpless, the helpless and the needy. She lived not for herself, but for others. Selflessly, Mother Teresa Helped the Poor, The Sick, The Helpless, The Helpless and the Needy. She Lived Not for Herself, But For Others. Today, in this article, we will tell you about his arrival in India from his birth and his great work and struggle for the society. Let’s find out about Mother Teresa.

Full Name – Agnes Gonza Boya jiju
Birthday – August 26, 1910
Birthplace – City of Skopje, Macedonia
Father Name – Nicola Boyaju
Mother Name – Draena Boyaju
Work – Establishment of missionary of charity, service to humanity

 Death: September 5, 1997

Birth and family of Mother Teresa –

Agnes Gonza Boyajiju was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, to Nicola Boyazu, an ordinary businessman. It later became known to the world as Mother Teresa.

Gonza means “bud” (flower) in Albanian. His father, Nicola Boyazu, was a religious figure, who believed deeply in Jesus Christ. Her father died when she was 8 years old.

After her father’s death, she was cared for by her mother Drana Boyazu. She was a devout and ideal homemaker, mother Teresa was greatly influenced by her mother’s rites and education.

The situation in their home had become very miserable, so Mother Teresa’s childhood was very difficult.

As a child, Mother Teresa used to go to church with her mother and sister and sing religious songs. When she was just 12 years old, she went on a religious pilgrimage and decided to spread Jesus’ teachings of philanthropy and social service around the world and to dedicate her entire life to the service of the poor.In 1928, when Mother Teresa was just 18 years old, she decided to join the Nun community of “Sisters of Loreto” and left home. Later, she went to Ireland and learned English because the Sisters of Loreto were teaching children in India through English medium.

During this time, she completed her training to become a nun from an institute.

After becoming a nun, she was renamed Sister Mary Teresa. Later, she spent her entire life helping the poor and helpless.

Mother Teresa arrives in India –

Mother Teresa came to Darjeeling, India in 1929 with other nuns from her institute. It was here that she took a religious pledge for the first time as a nun. He was then sent to Calcutta as a teacher. St Mary’s School was founded in Calcutta by Sister Lorento of Dublin.

Mother Teresa taught poor and helpless children here. He was fluent in both Hindi and Bengali.

From the beginning, she was very hard working, so she did this work with utmost honesty and dedication, becoming the favorite teacher of the students.

During this time, his attention turned to poverty, ignorance, helplessness, and ignorance spread around him. She was very sad to see that.

This was the time when the city of Calcutta was dying in large numbers due to famine and the condition of the people there was very miserable due to poverty.Seeing this, Mother Teresa decided to serve the poor, helpless, sick and needy.

Missionary of Charity established. –

With the intention of helping the poor and needy, Mother Teresa completed her nursing training from The Holy Family Hospital in Patna and later came to Calcutta in 1948 and devoted herself to the service of the poor, helpless and elderly.

After much effort, on October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa was allowed to establish the Missionaries of Charity, an organization working for the welfare of the community.

The purpose of Mother Teresa’s organization was only to help the poor, needy, patients, and the helpless and create a hope in them to live.

Apart from this, Compassionate Mother Teresa started an ashram named ‘Nirmal Hriday’ and ‘Nirmala Shishu Bhavan’.

The ashram treated poor and sick patients and helped orphans and homeless children.

Mother Teresa dies –

Mother Teresa faced many health issues towards the end of her life.

She suffered her first heart attack in 1983 when she visited Pope John Paul II in Rome.

He continued his ministry despite suffering another heart attack in 1989. After that, however, his health continued to deteriorate,

In 1991, he started suffering from kidney and heart problems.

Mother Teresa retired as head of the Missionaries of Charity in 1997 and breathed her last in Calcutta on September 5, 1997.

It was with this compassionate soul that said goodbye to this world.

  • Mother Teresa Awards
    He was honoured with several awards for serving the poor helpless people in a selfless spirit.

In recognition of his service to humanity, the Government of India awarded him the Padma Shri in 1962.

Later, he was awarded the Country’s highest award ‘Bharat Ratna’.

In addition, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for his outstanding work in the welfare of human beings.

The mother of this kind heart also used $192,000 of the Nobel Prize money to help the poor.

He was also awarded the Medal of Freedom award in 1985.

The selfless spirit with which Mother Teresa worked for the welfare of human beings is truly commendable. Everyone needs to draw inspiration from Mother Teresa through philanthropy, kindness and service.

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