Rishi Sunak : from Banker to Prime Minister

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Rishi Sunak is the first British Prime Minister of Indian origin. He had come to India for the recently held G20 summit. Rishi Sunak said after his arrival,

“I saw somewhere that I was referred to as ‘India’s son-in-law’, I hope this is the love of Indians.”

In today’s blog, let’s learn about Rishi Sunak.

Childhood and Education:

Rishi Sunak was born on 12 May 1980 in Southampton, UK to a Hindu Punjabi family. His father’s name is Yashveer Sunak and mother’s name is Usha Sunak. Rishi’s father was a doctor and mother used to run a hospital. Rishi Sunak has three sisters and a brother out of which he is the eldest. Rishi Sunak’s paternal grandparents were born in Punjab province (British India), while Rishi Sunak’s father was born in Kenya and his mother was born in Tanzania. Rishi Sunak studied Political Science from Winchester College, UK, followed by further studies at Oxford University. Rishi Sunak studied philosophy and economics at Oxford. After this, Rishi Sunak also did his MBA from Stanford. During this period he was a scholar in the university.

Love story of Rishi Sunak :

Sunak’s journey to becoming the prime minister is as much a real-life love story as the plot of a political film. He first met his wife Akshata Murthy while studying at Stanford University. The first time they saw Akshata, they realized that there was something special about her. In order to meet Akshata, he would often sit for extra lectures while studying in the university. Akshata Murthy is one of the richest women in Britain. They got married in the year 2009 in Bangalore. Rishi Sunak has two daughters. Out of these Krishna is 11 years old and Anushka is 9 years old. Rishi Sunak is the son-in-law of Infosys co-founder Narayan Murthy.

Early life :

Early in his career, when Rishi did not enter politics, Rishi Sunak had his first job in the year 2001 at a financial bank in California. After this he worked for ict in 2004. In 2009, he quit his job and founded a $536 million global investment firm. The peculiarity of this company was that it was very useful for investing in small scale industries in Britain.

Political Carrier :

  • Rishi entered the UK Parliament for the first time in 2014.
  • In 2015, Rishi Sunak contested the election and also won the election with 36.5% votes. While in Parliament, Rishi did rural and environment work from 2015 to 2017.
  • In the 2017 election, once again Rishi Sunak won by 19550 votes.
  • On 24 July 2019, Rishi Sunak was appointed as Principal Secretary to the Treasury by Borin Johnson.
  • In the 2019 election also Rishi Sunak was elected with 27210 votes and this was his third consecutive victory. On 13 February 2020 Rishi Sunak got the post of Finance Minister.

What number in the rich list?

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy own luxury four-wheelers, luxurious bungalows and assets worth 200 million Euros or Rs 178 crores. is wealth. According to Sunday Times, Rishi Sunak is in the list of the world’s richest people. He is ranked 222nd in this list. Rishi Sunak has built a large bungalow for special holidays worth 4 lakh euros. In this, only the palace has been built worth 2 million euros. This is not the only luxury property that Sunak owns. Sunak and his wife own a luxury house worth Rs 18 crore in North Yorkshire. It has many facilities including swimming pool, tennis court. He has many shares in Infosys company. Meanwhile, Sunak was in trouble due to this issue. Questions were raised about his wife’s earnings.

Which controversies brought Sunak into the limelight?

Sunak’s popularity graph continued to climb at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. But sometimes his policies were criticized. Sunak’s name was also found in controversy. While studying at Stanford University, Sunak met Akshata Murthy. Akshata is the daughter of Indian industrialist Narayan Murthy and Sudha Murthy. Akshata has not changed her citizenship after her marriage and is not a UK permanent resident. There were criticisms that he did this to evade taxes, but Akshata later agreed to pay the taxes and put a lid on the controversy. While Sunak was in charge of finance minister, it also came to light that he had a green card i.e. a US permanent resident card for some time, which was objected to by some.

Rishi Sunak and Hindu Identity :

Rishi Sunak never hid his being a Hindu. They often visit temples and participate in religious ceremonies. When he took oath as Finance Minister in 2020, he took oath with his hand on Geeta. There are many videos where you can see them worshiping the cow. There is a video on the internet of Rishi Sunak lighting lights outside the house on Diwali 2020. The Vedic Society Temple is a grand Hindu temple in Southampton. Among the founders of this temple are people from the family of Rishi Sunak. Rishi has been coming to this temple with his parents, grandparents ever since he was a child.

Hobbies of Rishi Sunak :

Apart from keeping fit, Rishi Sunak likes to watch cricket, football and movies.

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