Starbucks’ success story- Howard Schultz Went to sleep hungry, sold newspaper at the age of 7, then became the owner of a company worth millions of crores

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Starbucks, the world’s largest coffee house company, made a place in the hearts of people with the taste of its coffee. Its products are known for their quality. In India, people see it as a luxury. In October 2022, Starbucks announced Indian-origin Laxman Narasimhan as the next and new Chief Executive Officer i.e. CEO. Prior to this, Howard Schultz had held this responsibility. Howard was also the one who made Starbucks a global brand.He retired in 2018 and was starbucks’ internal CEO since February 2022. Their total assets are 27 thousand crores.

Starbucks is the world’s largest and most expensive coffeehouse company. It has more than 15,000 stores in the US, more than 1300 in Canada and more than 900 stores in Europe. But it has only 254 stores in India. Starbucks has not been as successful in the country as it has in other countries. People of India like sweet coffee more and tea is preferred over coffee.

What is Starbucks –

Starbucks is one of the largest coffeehouse companies. This includes food items such as coffee, soft drinks, fast food, desserts, salads, muesliques, sandwiches, wraps and bakery products. But its important work is to make coffee from Arabica and Robusta coffee bean. Starbucks has more than 34,000 stores in 84 countries. Millions of people come here every day to enjoy coffee. According to research from Harvard Business, Starbucks has done the last.

The Beginning of Starbucks

On March 31, 1971, three friends Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel and Gordon Bowker opened their first store in Seattle, USA. For the first few days, only fresh high-quality roasted coffee bean, tea and some spice items were mixed here. The trio started a coffee shop inspired by American entrepreneur Alfred Pete’s coffee shop Pete’s Coffee. This novel was published in the year 1851.

In 1982, Howard Schultz was added to the company for Starbucks’ marketing strategy. Schultz studied Starbucks on the lines of Italian models. Howard Schultz quit his job and started his own coffee shop in Seattle in 1971 after running his own coffee shop In 1971, these three bought Starbucks. Howard Schultz opened his first coffee shop store in Seattle in 1989. In 7 years, more than 45 stores were opened in the US.

Starbucks has more than 34,000 stores in 84 countries around the world. The first store in India was opened in Mumbai in 2012. And so far there have been a total of 252 shops. For your information, let you know that Starbucks has a 50-50% stake with the Tata Group in India.

Howard Schultz Life & Full Details About Us –

Howard Schultz was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1953. He was born in a very poor family. His father was a driver, but he had to quit his job after his leg was broken in an accident. After this, the financial condition of Howard’s house became even worse.

The situation was that at the age of just 7, Howard had to start working. He started selling newspapers to help run the household. He wanted to improve his family’s condition by reading and writing, but his family did not have the money to teach him. However, he got a scholarship from the sports quota and fulfilled the dream of studying through it.

He became the first person in his family to go to university. After completing his studies, he took a job in the coffee roaster, in which coffee beans were sold. This later became famous as Starbucks. While working in a shop selling coffee beans, Howard saw that people like to drink coffee sitting in the coffee house, he thought that it could be businessd.

He gave this idea to his store owners. But due to lack of honor funds, they could not work on this idea. So Howard decided to quit his job and start his own coffee store. He raised funds for this and accumulated a good business. Two years later, Starbucks’ owners also decided to sell Starbucks to Harvard and decided to focus on the coffee beans business themselves.

After buying Starbucks, Howard took it to new heights in a few years. His unique marketing styles were praised all over the world and were also very successful. Starbucks’ popularity grew and in view of the growing demand, its stores were opened in more cities. Soon Starbucks opened its stores in the USA as well as in other countries of the world, and today you will find 1-2 of it in almost every major city. Not only but many stores will be seen. The credit behind this success goes to Howard Schultz, who learned in life after struggling and used it to build a world-class company.

Completed studies with Scholarship

Schoolboy wanted to do something big in his life, so he decided to study further. But at that time his family did not have enough money to get him admitted to the university. After this, he got a scholarship from the sports quota and completed further studies.

Got a job after Studying

After completing his studies, he took a job in a coffee roaster. Starbucks was the first coffee roaster, after which it became a coffee shop. Where they used to sell coffee beans. He reached the post of Vice President on the basis of his hard work. At the age of only 22, he had achieved a big position. During this time, he went to another coffee house where the atmosphere liked him. There people were sitting together and drinking coffee. After this, he talked to the owner of that coffee house and understood the whole business.

I bought Starbucks

In 1984, When Howard learned that Starbucks was being sold, he bought it. After this, he fulfilled his dreams through Starbucks. He started the company’s branches in the country and abroad, where people can sit comfortably and drink coffee. Starbucks adopts many new marketing strategies to attract the attention of customers. Earlier, they used to write the name of the customers on the cup so that the customers would find it special, But once a customer’s name was misspelled by mistake, after which it became very viral on social media. In view of this, Starbucks started miswriting the names of customers. Similarly, from time to time, they adopt many methods of promotion.

Revenue of $ 8.51 billion

Starbucks’ success can only be gauged from this quarter’s results. Total revenue for the quarter ended July stood at $8.15 billion. At the same time, the company’s analysts had estimated only $ 8.11 billion. On this benefit, Howard says that he has benefited the most from America. Even though inflation has increased, customers are still spending on their products.

Starbucks in India in India

Starbucks does business in India with the Tata Group and in India, Starbucks has a 50-50 percent stake with the Tata Group. Starbucks’ first store opened in Mumbai’s Horinman Circle in 2012 and today Starbucks has more than 200 stores in India.

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