Success Story Of Steve Jobs -Full Information

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The life of Apple founder Steve Jobs is an inspiration to everyone. The way in which he has overcome all the struggles and obstacles in his life and set a new record of success in life is highly commendable.

There was also a time in Jobs’ life when he had to starve for food available at the temple and spend the night on the floor at a friend’s house.

There was a time when he had to leave his own Apple company, but in the face of all these struggles, he never gave up and kept moving forward.

In this article, let’s learn more about the inspiring life of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs’ birth, family and early years –

Steve Jobs’ birth and childhood are very different from others.

He was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, to Abdulfatta, a Muslim from Syria.

She adopted a couple named Paul and Clara on the condition that they would send Steve to college for education.

Paul… Those who adopted Steve were mechanics themselves, while his wife Clara was an accountant.

Jobs was also interested in electronics from the beginning. So, he was always trying to learn new things by playing with electronic objects.As a child, he learned many electronics related things from his father, Jobs was a man of extraordinary talent from childhood. But he liked to sit at home and read books rather than go to school and learn.

Steve Jobs’ education and early career –

Steve Jobs’ parents paid for his schooling with great compromise, but when he was admitted to Reed College, Oregon, those expenses were out of their reach.

His entire income was spent on college fees. It was only after the first semester that Steve Jobs decided to leave college due to financial problems.

Even after leaving college, Steve attended calligraphy classes regularly. Calligraphy is the art of writing letters creatively and beautifully.

During this time, Steve Jobs became friends with Wozniak. He, like Steve, loved electronics and computers.

Due to financial constraints, Steve faced a very difficult situation in his early years. They didn’t have enough money to feed themselves. They somehow made ends meet by selling coke bottles.

Not only did he go to the Krishna Temple every Sunday to get enough food, but Steve slept on the floor at a friend’s house for several nights.

In fact, Steve Jobs was full of willpower and talent, which led him to work for a devoling company that made video games in 1972.

But Steve Jobs was not satisfied with the job, and then he decided to leave the job. He came to Visit India with all the money he had saved in this job.

In fact, Steve has always been fascinated by Indian culture and wanted to come here and gain spiritual knowledge. So in 1974, he spent about 7-8 months in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi in India and studied Buddhism here.

Later, he returned to the United States, no longer his former jobs, he had completely changed, and his mind was focused. Upon his return, he rejoined the job.

Steve Jobs Apple Founder

Steve Jobs was very happy to see that a close friend of Steve Jobs, Wozniak, built a computer for himself, and then he came up with the idea of a computer-making business. In 1976, Jobs began building computers in his father’s garage.
The company, which started in Garage, was renamed “Apple”. Since then, the company has set new highs with new innovations. By the 1980s, Jobs’ Apple company had become a prestigious and world-renowned company.

Steve Jobs fired from his Company –

He also faced a time in Steve Jobs’ life when he was forced to resign from his own company. Indeed, Apple, which has set new records of success, came to a break when it launched the Apple 3 and then Lisa Computer (named after Steve’s daughter). Both products were extremely unsuccessful.Later, Steve worked hard to make the Macintosh, and in 1984, he made the Best Super Bowl on Lisa and launched it with the Macintosh. Then they succeeded again. Later, Apple and IBM started making computers together. Higher production put additional pressure on the company as demand for it intensified in the market due to better quality.In fact, Steve Jobs never hid the original idea of his company from others, so he had to face the consequences, because many other companies stole their concepts, made computers and sold them to customers at low prices.As a result, Apple suffered a lot of losses, all of which steve jobs was held responsible for and his own company forced him to leave the company. Steve Jobs resigned from Apple on September 17, 1985. At the time, he was joined by five of his closest aides.

The Next Computer was built in times of Conflict –

It is said that struggle and failure open new doors of success for humans The same thing happened with Steve Jobs.

After leaving his own company, he didn’t disappoint, instead he took advantage of the opportunity to start anew as Next Computer.

During that time, his luck also favoured him, and perot, a big businessman, invested in his company.

On October 12, 1988, the Next Computer was launched at a major event.

Indeed, Next was as advanced as Apple.

So it was very expensive, so Next suffered a big loss.

When Steve Jobs realized this, he turned Next Computer Company into a software company.

He also achieved great success in this.

Graphic Disney Companies Partner Steve Jobs

In 1986, Steve Jobs bought the graphics company Pixar Movie and partnered with Disney.

Since then, Steve has climbed every step of the way to success and never looked back in his life.

Returned to Apple as CEO –

Apple negotiated with Steve in 1996 to buy Next, a deal that was finalized for $427 million.

This time Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO.

But at the time, Apple was struggling with a tough situation, and under Steve’s guidance, the company launched apple IPOD music player and I Tunes.

Then, in 2007, Apple launched its first mobile phone and revolutionized the mobile world.

By launching one new product after another, Apple is constantly reaching new heights of success.

Steve Jobs’ marriage and personal life –

He had a daughter, Lisa Brennan, in 1978 from his girlfriend, Kirsten Brennan.

He later married Lauren Powell in 1991. The couple had three children, Reed, Erin, and Eve.

Steve Jobs Death-

Steve Jobs, the founder of the world’s largest Apple company, had to fight pancreatic cancer in the last days of his life.

He breathed his last on October 2, 2011, in Palo Alto, California, after battling the disease for several years.

Before his death, Steve Jobs announced on August 24, 2011, that Tim Cook would be the new CEO of Apple Inc.

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