The world’s 5 most dreaded dictators, who crossed the limits of cruelty

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The world’s 5 most dreaded dictators, who crossed the limits of cruelty.

There have been many dictators in the world who have not only shamed human civilization, but also crossed the limits of cruelty. These dictators committed terrible atrocities on the common people on the strength of their strength. Some used to erase their whims and some used to make humans scapegoats to eat their meat. Millions of people were killed worldwide due to these dreaded dictators. Know 5 such dictators …

Genghis Khan –

Genghis Khan was a Mongol invader. In the early 13th century, every city Genghis Khan and his Mongol soldiers entered was destined to be destroyed. They used to loot, murder and rape as soon as they entered every city. On the way, they also demonstrated their strength by putting a pile of human skulls at that place. At that time the Mongol Empire extended from Beijing, the capital of China, to Moscow, the capital of Russia.It is said that Genghis Khan also killed a large number of Muslims. Genghis Khan is also said to have had relationships with several thousand women.

Vlad or Dracula –

Prince Vlad III of Valicia, Romania, is known as Dracula. Vlad was born in Transylvania in 1431. It is said that he drank human blood. However, many people consider it a rumor. He was given the title of Dracula because of his heinous acts in the war against the Osmania Sultanate and to make a jungle of corpses hanging from sticks by hanging his enemies in spears. He would hang his enemies at the tip of a spear.

Idi Amin –

Ugandan dictator Idi Amin was fond of eating human flesh. For this reason, he is also called a cannibalistic ruler. It is said that he used to shoot beggars. In his eight years in office, he killed at least 5 lakh people, including many of his political rivals. Due to his ability, Idi Amin was also called the Mad Man of Africa. It is also claimed that human meat was found in his fridge.In 1979, when Tanzania and Idi Amin’s opposing forces joined hands, it fled to Saudi Arabia. At the same time, this dreaded dictator died in the year 2003.

Mao Zedong or Mao Zedong –

Mao Zedong was the founder of the Communist Party of China. Even though the Chinese did not get tired of praising it, it was actually a dreaded dictator. At least 4 crore people lost their lives due to whose policies and atrocities. According to the book by Ji Shi Li, the doctor who treated Mao, he had never brushed in his entire life.It was also written in the book that he used to bathe only occasionally. Born on December 26, 1893, in Shaoshan town of Hunan province, Mao later became the founder of modern China.

Adolf Hitler –

The whole world was shaken by Hitler’s atrocities. During World War II, he killed at least two million Jews because of their religion. Not only this, due to his obsession with war, about 70 million people were killed in World War II alone. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party of Germany. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) was called the Nazis. The Nazi Party was a political party in Germany that It was established in 1919 after The First World War. The Nazi leadership said that the extermination of Jews from the world would be beneficial for the German people and for the whole of humanity. However, there was no real threat from the Jews. For this, they did not care about age, gender, faith or work.

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